- www.Duotrope.com
- Customization: You can adjust numerous variables to get just the right list of markets.
- Personal Submission Tracker: Make an account and track your story submissions here.
- Donations. If you use the Duotrope site, please do donate. Not every time, just once a year or so. Whenever you think how great this site is and how you’d be so lost without it.
- Search on “Horror” and “Short Story” and you get 186 matches.
- www.Ralan.com
- SpecFic and Humor markets
- Don’t let the simple web design fool you. Great resource.
- Listed by Markets – Be sure to check more than one.
- Ralan also sends out a handy newsletter with updates in it. Sign up on the site.
- Donations. If you use Ralan’s site, please do donate. Same as with the Duotrope site.
- Horror Writers Association
- Join. Even as an affiliate member (meaning you don’t have enough pro publications to be active), you get all the informational resources available to active members.
- New horror markets are often announced on the HWA forums before anywhere else.
- Great place to find out about a market before you submit.
- The HWA forums has a place to discuss response time and to ask questions about how best to submit.
- As a member, you can sign up to receive the HWA Internet Mailer, which is approaching its 400th issue.
- If you’re a horror writer, this is the first org you should be joining.
- Locus Magazine
- Tons of information in each issue about writing and writers.
- Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America
- Horror is often considered a subset of Fantasy
- The SFWA is another great place to learn about markets and to get advice on submitting, though it’s not horror-specific.
- Sonar 3 Submission Tracking Software
- Gives you everything you need to track your submissions.
- It’s free.
- Read the submission guidelines: Whenever you find a market to which you want to submit, the FIRST thing you should do is read the submission guidelines. The editors mean what they say in them. Abide by them.
- Don’t limit yourself. Submit to pro markets first. When they reject you, submit semi-pro, and so on down the line. Don’t start with the free markets.
- For an overview of the writing business, check out this collection of articles.
Resources for Submitting Horror Short Fiction

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