Testing Izotope RX7 for Voiceover Production -
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Testing Izotope RX7 for Voiceover Production

I’ve been circling this software for some time, but haven’t been sold that it will actually help me cut down the amount of time it takes to edit my audiobook files…until today. I’ve actually bitten the bullet and invested in it. (P.S. It’s on sale right now.)

I spent several hours with the Test version (you can test it free for a month), and I’ve found just the right combination of apps and settings that will edit out much of the clicks and crackles that I produce when recording.

What It Does

Izotope RX7 Standard is the one I bought. I don’t need the Pro version. Too many features I’ll never use. As it is, I’m unlikely to ever need more than two of the apps in the Standard version:

  • De-Crackle app
  • De-Click app

I fiddled with the settings until I got them just where I wanted them.

What It Doesn’t Do

This improved the file without warping the sound, but it didn’t perfect the recording. I will still have to go in and clean up the most agregious mouth noises and clicks. I’m okay with that. I believe that RX7 will get me more than halfway there, and that’s a big win for me and my time challenges.

If you have any questions about my experience with RX7, you can contact me on Facebook @angelmccoy.

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