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Dark was the Night

A collection of short stories that will 
shrivel your toes and stick to your ribs.

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“Dark was the night, cold was the ground
On which my Lord was laid;
His sweat like drops of blood ran down;
In agony he prayed.”

In 1927, American musician Blind Willie Johnson recorded a gospel-blues song he’d written called “Dark was the Night, Cold was the Ground.” Fifty years later, in 1977, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched two unmanned probes into space—Voyager 1 and 2. The probes each carried a phonograph record with sounds and music from our world, just in case they encountered intelligent life. Blind Willie Johnson’s recording was included as the ultimate expression of human loneliness.
The song evokes the exact ambiance of suffering that accompanies me whenever I write Horror.

You can listen to the song on Youtube.

This collection of Angel’s short stories includes the following. Click on each story link to read more about the work.

Published in October 2020.

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