I’ve written many short stories over the years. They’ve appeared in anthologies, magazines, e-zines, and roleplaying supplements.
Stories you can read free, online: go here.
- “Pipsqueak”
- Tales for Canterbury anthology
anthology to benefit earthquake victims in New Zealand, April 2011.
- Ravens in the Library anthology
anthology edited by Phil Satyros Brucato and Sandra Buskirk, 2009 (limited edition/OoP)
- Standalone novella published by Wily Writers
- Charlie Darwin, or the Trine of 1809
Nevermet Press, December 2011
Illegal Lane Change
Short Stories
- “Aaargh!”, a Catsitter Mysteries tale narrated by Muse the King of Cats in Exile,
- “Mother’s Homestead”, Changing Breeds: Wild West Tales Anthology,
White Wolf Entertainment, October 2020
- “Outlaws”, Best Women’s Erotica of the Year 5,
Cleis Press, December 2019
- “The Haunting of Mrs. Poole”,
Wily Writers, September 2019
- “Cookies for Gio,”
Wily Writers, August 2019
- “The Christ of St. Jozef Church,” Dark Rainbow anthology of erotic horror
Riverdale Avenue Press, October 2018
- “Miss Winterdove and the Erupting Eulogist,” Clockwork Chaos anthology
Dark Quest Books, October 2013
- “Purgatory,” The Haunted Mansion Project, Year Two anthology
Damnation Books, February 2013
- “Creating Belle,” Strange Aeons Magazine
- “Papa Piraña,” Beast Within 2: Predator and Prey anthology
edited by Jennifer Brozek, Graveside Tales, August 2011.
- “Dr. Heckle and Mr. Jive,” Necrotic Tissue magazine
Issue 14, Stygian Publications, May 2011.
- “The God Bloom,” Growing Dread: Biopunk Visions anthology
Timid Pirate, March 2011.
- “Crack-o-Doom,” Fear of the Dark anthology
HorrorBound Magazine Publications, March 2011.
- “Oral Tradition,” Pseudopod Podcast
- “The Barnes Family Reunion,” Masters of Horror anthology
Triskaideka Books, April 2010. ($1.99 e-book price)
- “Nutcracker,” Cobalt City Christmas anthology
Timid Pirate, December 2009.
- “The Last Zombie,” Revenant Magazine
- “Coquettrice,” Vile Things anthology
- “Ardie Sue,” Sinister Tales magazine
- “Birthday,” Mage: Hollow Ones game book
White Wolf Publishing; 2002 review
- “The Labyrinth,” Mage: Manifesto: Transmissions from the Rogue Council game book
White Wolf Publishing; 2002 (review)
- “Harmony Gap Has a Bad Day,” Deadlands: The Good, the Bad, and the Dead anthology
Pinnacle Entertainment Group; 1999 (reviews)
- “Lion and the Heart of Wonder,” Changeling: Pooka Kithbook game book
- “The Tooth Fairy,” Changeling: Inanimae game book
White Wolf Publishing; 1998
- “Syrinx and Pan,” Changeling: Kithbook Satyr game book
White Wolf Publishing; 1997